Monday, August 10, 2009

Does The Left Represent The 60's Or Have They Betrayed Them?

The 1960's were well before my time. I didn't live through them so I admit that most of what I know has come mostly through Internet research, music (I love hippie music!) and television. I do know for many years the left wing in this country most notably the democratic party have claimed to carry the torch of the 60's counter culture. Maybe there was a time when this was true but it is no more.

When you break it all down the movement was about questioning and rejecting authority. Burning draft cards, sit ins for civil rights against government forced segregation, protests against the military industrial complex and their nuclear ambitions. Even drug use and free love were a rebellion against authority. Today's left represents none of these ideals.

Democratic congressmen Charlie Rangel (NY) and John Murtha (PA) are among those on the left who would reinstate a military draft. Sixty Six Democratic congressmen voted to renew the patriot act in 2006. Democrats are always proposing and enforcing legislation that favors one or more racial groups over other racial groups. The left supports the war on drugs every bit as much as the right does. There has been no effort thus far into the Obama administration to end the war in Iraq. They are ramping up the war in Afgahnistan. While at the same time trying to provoke Iran and Pakistan. Does this sound like peace and love to you? It's not even sex drugs and rock n roll

They want to stop debate on their legislation, they want the locations of opposing opinions emailed to For what purpose I wonder?

The left constantly advocates the use of the ultimate in coercive authority. Government, they think can solve all of life's injustices. They ignore the lessons of their elders from the 60's.

Force has become their tool instead of their enemy.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

13 City of Ft Lauderdale Tax Parasites "Disciplined"

Thirteen Ft Lauderdale City Building Department employees have been disciplined following the discovery of many inappropriate emails. Including some with racially sensitive materials and pornographic content.

I'm so happy my stolen money is put to such good use.............

You can follow the story HERE at the sun sentinel's blog

Friday, August 7, 2009

Government Trying To Stir Up More Swine Flu Hysteria

Our masters in Washington are beating the dead horse of swine flu yet once again!

``We hope no schools have to close, but realistically, some schools will close this fall,'' Said Education Secretary Arne Duncan regarding the swine flu "outbreak". I may ask, what exactly is she basing this on? But then I may also be branded a traitor to the crown and hung upon the gallows at sunset.

But risk of the hangman's noose aside one can't help but see the facts staring them in the face. Unless this is 1984 and we are engaging in doublethink. As of August 4 2009 there have been 1,154 fatalities from the swine flu/h1n1 WORLDWIDE. The government's own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 36,000 people a year die of the flu in the UNITED STATES ALONE!!!! In 2008 37,261 people died in motor vehicle accidents on crappy government roads. The worldwide swine flu death total is 1/4 of what we've lost in a senseless war in Iraq.

So the government trying to whip everyone up into a frenzy over swine flu doesn't make alot of sense if you're assuming they're trying to save lives. If on the other hand you suspect that they're up to something else it makes perfect sense.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Not A Good Week For Broward Cops

First we had Hollywood's "finest" trying to throw a innocent victim under the bus.Then we had a BSO arrested for raping immigrants. Now we have a female prison guard accused of assault.

Many people are shocked by these stories. They can't believe those who would "protect and serve" us would abuse their power in such ways. The only thing I'm shocked by is that these three stories surfaced in the media. The only thing they "protect and serve" are their own paychecks. Paychecks that are extracted from us against our will.

I think these stories are just the tip of the iceberg. There's much more on the way, these are not isolated incidents.

Cops here in South Florida have always been particularly nasty. Many of you who did not grow up down here don't really know. Try minding your own business in public if you're between 18 and 25 without getting harassed by police on a semi regular basis. If you're from another area where they have respectful cops you may not understand now, but your kids can tell you!